Cultural Literacy


The Internet has become a great resource for investigating anything and everything related to youth culture. Since the Internet is an important part of the lives of teens, we all (especially parents) need to be aware of what’s out there on the Web. In addition, the Internet provides many great informational resources on a variety of topics for those who are raising teenagers.

Please note: Inclusion of a website in this section does not necessarily imply total endorsement of the site’s content.

***Some of these links have been chosen because I’ve found them to contain useful and/or insight analysis into today’s youth culture. Several of these sites are not Christian websites and therefore the material contained on them may be offensive to some. Be cautious. I am not responsible for any of the content found on these links.

  1. Center for Parent/Youth Understanding A Christ-centered organization committed to building strong families by serving to bridge the cultural-generational gap between parents and teenagers. CPYUhelps parents, youth workers, educators and others understand teenagers andtheir culture so that they will be better equipped to help children and teens navigate the challenging world of adolescence. The site for incredibly helpful “Links!”
  2. Screen It! Movie reviews specifically for parents needing insight into today’s latest offerings. The MPAA rating (G, PG, PG-13, etc.) is a start, but offers just a one-line, generalized description of the “offending” material. Screen It! is an unbiased, easy to use, heavily detailed and complete look at the movies your kids might see, rent or buy. Detailed content, including a summarized rating of quantity and degree, is listed in the categories of ALCOHOL/DRUGS, BLOOD/GORE, DISRESPECTFUL/BAD ATTITUDE, FRIGHTENING/TENSE SCENES, GUNS/WEAPONS, IMITATIVE BEHAVIOR, JUMP SCENES (scenes that will make you and/or your child jump), MUSIC (SCARY/TENSE), MUSIC (INAPPROPRIATE), PROFANITY, SEX/NUDITY, SMOKING, TENSEFAMILY SCENES, TOPICS TO TALK ABOUT and VIOLENCE.
  3. Understanding Your Teenager Founded by youth ministry guru Wayne Rice, the Understanding Your Teenager organization conducts lively and informative parenting seminars across North America. The UYT site features information on these seminars, a helpful online bookstore and parenting tips.
  4. Christian parenting advice from Dr. Kevin Leman and Dr. Jay Passavant. The site includes parenting tips and information categorized by age of children, along with resources for marriage.
  5. National Center for Fathering A great site for Dads! Fathers can find practical fathering tips, research onfathering, information on the fathering movement, humor, and an online version of Today’s Father magazine.
  6. Parents. The Anti-Drug A helpful site designed to equip parents to understand, prevent and respond to the epidemic of adolescent substance abuse in our country. The site includes news, advice, drug information and treatment suggestions.
  7. Center for Sports Parenting A web-based program that provides parents with guidance and answers to questions and issues related to youth and sport. CSP seeks to help all those involvedwith youth sports deal with the growing pressures associated with kids and competition in our culture.
  8. Parent Soup This is perhaps the most extensive parenting site on the net. Updated daily, it offers tips, tools, chats, news, message boards, reviews and more on all things parenting.
  9. Bully Free Bully Free is a site committed to preventing and stopping bullying in all environments(i.e., schools, workplaces, etc.). Their goal is to promote the GoldenRule everywhere. Great site for parents, educators, and youth workers striving to create bully free environments.
  10. Day of Purity Day of purity is striving to promote purity in mind and actions especially among today’s youth. This website encourages youth to partake in the national day of purity where they can take a stand and make a public demonstration of their commitment to remain sexually pure, in mind and actions, until marriage.
  11. Internet Movie Database Everything you could possibly ever want to know about over 140,000 different movies. It includes plot summaries, ratings, reviews, links, and a search engine to guide you through an overwhelming amount of information.
  12. The Ultimate Band List This is the ultimate source for an overwhelming wealth of information on bands, radio stations, record labels, music news and more.
  13. Al Menconi Ministries Al Menconi’s mission is to educate and equip parents, leaders and youth to consider the values communicated in their entertainment. The site contains reviews of music and video games as well as articles on the entertainment industry.
  14. MTV Online The trail-blazing24-hour music channel continues to blaze trails with this cutting-edge web site. Do you want to know more about today’s pop culture? This is the place to find music charts, MTV news, and information on a variety of social issues.
  15. Parents Television Council A project of the Media Research Center, the PTC’s mission is “to bring America’s demand for values-driven television programming to the entertainment industry.” The site includes up-to-date suggestions for family-friendly viewing, suggestions on how to influence television programming, a family guide to prime time television, and lots of research and analysis.

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