Ministry Resources

bucketI heard in seminary that these were the years that we would dig the well from which we would draw from the rest of our ministry.  So dig deep while you can. Use all the resources at your disposal to have the fullest deepest ministry you can!  Never stop learning along the way.  My prayer is that your well will never run dry!


Here are some resources that you should check out:

  • Reformed Theological Seminary is offering many full classes on iTunes!  This is a resource to good to pass up.  Check it out Here.
  • This site has lots of lectures and resources that are free to download (with a free account). If you know of people who want to increase in their biblical knowledge, this is a great place to start.
  • The Gospel Project is a Christ-centered curriculum that examines the grand narrative of Scripture and how the gospel transforms the lives of those it touches.
  • At you can find helpful articles, word studies, and an in-depth look at the scriptures from conservative scholarship.  When you read the Bible, be sure you are going for quality not quantity.  Really understand what you read!
  • Here is a music comparison chart for those “who sounds like who” questions between Christian and Secular music.
  • I wrote up this Basics of Bible Study (pdf) for my students as we taught through the fundamentals of the faith.  I hope you can use it!
  • Lastly, here is the rundown of an easy and thorough witnessing method.  Share Jesus Without Fear

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  1. Pingback: The Bible’s Grand Narrative in 3 Minutes – MUST WATCH! « …Seeking a Generation…

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