13 Lies Teenagers Believe



  1. There is no truth.  John 14:6
  2. If I am good enough I will get to heaven.  Isaiah 64:6
  3. When I am on my own I can do what I want.  Romans 13:1
  4. The things I do now are not important.  I Cor 3:12-13
  5. My past determines my worth.  Philippians 3:13
  6. The easiest way is the best way.  Hebrews 12:4-6
  7. If it feels good do it.  Hebrews 11:25
  8. My friends and family will be with me forever.  II Cor 5:10
  9. I do not have to change friends to follow Christ.  I Cor 15:33
  10. What I listen and watch does not effect the way I think.   Philippians 4:8
  11. There is no consequence for my sins.  Romans 6:23
  12. Premarital sex has no effect on my life.  I Cor 6:15-18
  13. Serving God is boring.  Psalms 34:8